Part of the Auction Various municipal vehicles, workshop vehicles, cars and workshop equipment

So. KFZ Werkstattfz. (ex HH-SE 1238 / AWL 535) Volkwswagen Crafter 2EKE2

Auction #14342-HS016 (12390-16)

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Crafter 2EKE2


VIN: WV1ZZZ2EZ96014390
EZ: 02/09
MOT: 03/25
Drive: 80 kW / 3,500 rpm, diesel
Mileage as exhausted: 215,795 km
Drawer rack system and IKAR AASS-2 extension arm installed

Defects known to us: PTO shaft probably defective

Used government vehicle with clear signs of use and wear

Surcharge; Sale only to tradesmen/dealers! Highest bidder/ auction winner is requested to submit a copy of the business registration within 3 working days, otherwise the knockdown is considered canceled.
Any warranty/regulation in relation to this offer is expressly excluded.
The seller is also not liable for claims for damages - regardless of the legal basis; however, this does not apply to claims for damages arising from grossly negligent or intentional breach of obligations by the seller or its vicarious agents or for injury to life, limb and health or essential contractual obligations.

Net surcharge value excluding VAT; sold on behalf of a public law institution (AöR); our surcharge of 18% is subject to VAT, as a taxable service.


  • Billhorner Deich 2, 20539 Hamburg

Auction Terms

Sale only to traders/dealers !
Highest bidder/ auction winner is requested to submit a copy of the business registration within 3 working days, otherwise the knockdown is considered canceled.
Any warranty/regulation in relation to this offer is expressly excluded.
The seller is also not liable for claims for damages - regardless of the legal grounds; however, this does not apply to claims for damages arising from grossly negligent or intentional breach of obligations by the seller or its vicarious agents or for injury to life, limb and health or essential contractual obligations.

Parts of this page have been machine translated. The German original text applies.

16 / 31 Positions in this Auction

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