
  • #13029

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  • Location:Stittholzhof 178655 Dunningen (Germany)

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Following item is put up for sale:
1 4-wheel-tractor, LAMBORGHINI, R6.150 VRT DCR, model G, initial registration 04/10, veh. ident. no. LL10029, engine Deutz TIER III, 6 cylinder, Diesel, 121 kW, 6.057 cm³, continuous variable gear, spring borne front axle, LS pump with power beyond circuit points, unpressurized return front, hydr. top link, 4 control units, front hydraulics, front power take off, front electric, autom. wing stabilization, Sauermann/CBM spherical head in mounting rail, trailing load 3 t with 50 mm ball (left) for forced steering, tires back 650/65R38, front 540/65R28, pressure air-brake installation, comfort package, cabinet air-suspended, Aeromat-seat, AC, speed limit 50 km/h, operating hours. 4.350

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