PARKIET – SERBY Sp. z o. o.

  • Subasta de insolvencia en línea
  • #13514

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Fecha de subasta

1. trimestre 2017


  • Stare Serby 9a67200 Glogów (Poland)

Extracto del catálogo

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The following items are put up for auction:
Gluing press, ORZECHOWO, LKM 720; Switching station, MERLIN GERIN, Prisma P; Boiler for burning of sawdus, RUMIA, SWD 1500; High racks storage system, WANDALEX Feralko, man. 2009; a.m.o.

The insolvency administrator of Parkiet Serby has also the following real estates for sale, details in the PDF-file.

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