Machines for the production of furniture fittings and door sets

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  • #17330

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4er trimestre 2023


  • Location: 49549 Ladbergen (Germany)

Extracto del catálogo

Monday, 6 November 2023 - Thursday, 9 November 2023 from 09.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.

Special conditions: No cash accepted at site.
Knock-downs under resservation!

In case of bid acceptance item can be sold immediately.

The following items are put up for sale. These include:
swing bending machine, RAS, RAS67.30; lawn tractor, JOHN DEERE, X754; belt grinding machine, METALLKRAFT, MBSM 2505 ESE; combined sectional steel shear , PEDDINGHAUS, Peddicat 360H; eccentric press, MASCH, KE-2130; eccentric press, WEINGARTEN, E63, pressing force 63t, man. 1963; milling machine, HERMLE, PF1000; lathe, MATRA, D10; a.m.o.

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