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Operating and business equipment of a metal construction company

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Operating and business equipment of a metal construction company

Operating and business equipment of a metal construction company

Numer oferty: 17474

4 kwartał 2023

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    Projekt Online

    On behalf of the entitled party we are selling online against highest bid the operating and business equipment of a metal construction company.

    4 kwartał 2023

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    • Szczegóły

      Wednesday, 29 November 2023 from 10,00 a.m. - 01.00 p.m.

      Thursday, 07 December 2023 from 09.30 - 04.00 p.m.

      In case of bid acceptance item can be sold immediately.

      The following items are put up for sale:
      Welding table, SIGMUND; 1 lot of material storage, milling machine, KUNZMANN, UF6/3; tandem trailer, HUMBAUR; band saw, KASTO, Praktikal E2; Inert gas welding machine, EWM, Phoenix 420 TG; workshop equipment a.m.o.

    • Kontakt

      Anja Damm, Tel. +49 (0)40 - 355 059 229, Email: damm@netbid.com

    Maszyny z jednego projektu (14)

    • Wszystkie maszyny (14)

    Rehm PSA100 Plasma cutter

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-3

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:00
    (16 Oferty)

    Sigmund Welding table

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-24

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:05
    (14 Oferty)

    EWM Phoenix 420 TG Gas-shielded welder

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-30

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:07
    (1 oferta)

    Straightening table

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-35

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:08
    (2 Oferty)

    Eibenstock ??? EWS 400 Automatic metal hacksaw

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-40

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:09
    (3 Oferty)

    Girards GRO5 Radial drilling machine

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-44

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:10
    (1 oferta)

    Alzmetall AB35S Column drilling machine

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-47

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:10
    (13 Oferty)

    Promat Telescopic drawer cabinet

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-56

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:12
    (9 Oferty)

    Kunzmann UF6/3 Milling machine

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-68

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:15
    (3 Oferty)

    Kasto Praktikal E2 Bandsaw

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-86

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:20
    (15 Oferty)

    Telescopic drawer cabinet

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Halle
    Numer aukcji: X17474-88

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:20
    (6 Oferty)

    Humbaur Tandem trailer

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Außenbereich
    Numer aukcji: X17474-112

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:26
    (3 Oferty)

    Linde E15 Electric forklift

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Außenbereich
    Numer aukcji: X17474-113

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:26
    (9 Oferty)

    Material store

    77871 Renchen, Zehn Jeuch 1/ Außenbereich
    Numer aukcji: X17474-114

    Koniec: 30.11.2023
    o 13:27
    (10 Oferty)