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4. četrtletje 2017
- MISAPOR Deutschland GmbH
Edisonstraße 2a
41542 Dormagen (Germany)
Izvleček kataloga
Wednesday, 28 June 2017 from 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Online bidding is possible immediately.
Approximately 150 items are put up for auction. These include:
7 continuous belt conveyor furnaces, MUT, BDO 125/150, nominal temperature 1.100°C, man. 2008-2011; furnace heating recovery plant, MUT, man. 2011; intensive mixer, EIRICH, R09, filling capacity 150 l, filling weight 240 kg, mixing time pro charge 160 s, dosing/weighing system, system control, man. 2011; 8 steel sheet silos, capacity each with 131 m³, Ø 4200 / H 12.040 mm, m. dosing system for truck loading and Big-Bag filling; 6 steel sheet silos, capacity each with 53 m³, Ø 3.200 / H 6.300 mm, sensor system, dedusting hood; 3 steel sheet silos, capacity each with 37 m³, Ø 3.200 / H 4.900 mm, sensor system, dedusting hood; steel sheet silo, capacity 30 m³, Ø 3.200 / H 3.950 mm; 3 pneumatic bulk goods conveyors, SOLIDS; 6 screw conveyors, Ø 200 mm, different length; 20 belt conveyors, FREI FÖRDERTECHNIK (CH), zincked, jaw width 600 mm, length 5.000 – 30.000 mm; dedusting hood, GEA, volume flow 13.760 m³/h, man. 2011; central compressed air supply system, KAESER, with 2 screw compressors, BSD 72, each with 37 kW, compressed air refrigerant type dryer, TF203, separator, tank, plant control, man. 2011; gantry crane, DEMAG, capacity 10.000 kg, spread 22.000 mm, remote control; diesel forklift, MITSUBISHI, FD30K, Q 3 t / HH 7 m, man. 2000; workshop equipment, office equipment, office technology, a.m.o
Wednesday, 28 June 2017 from 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Online bidding is possible immediately.
Approximately 150 items are put up for auction. These include:
7 continuous belt conveyor furnaces, MUT, BDO 125/150, nominal temperature 1.100°C, man. 2008-2011; furnace heating recovery plant, MUT, man. 2011; intensive mixer, EIRICH, R09, filling capacity 150 l, filling weight 240 kg, mixing time pro charge 160 s, dosing/weighing system, system control, man. 2011; 8 steel sheet silos, capacity each with 131 m³, Ø 4200 / H 12.040 mm, m. dosing system for truck loading and Big-Bag filling; 6 steel sheet silos, capacity each with 53 m³, Ø 3.200 / H 6.300 mm, sensor system, dedusting hood; 3 steel sheet silos, capacity each with 37 m³, Ø 3.200 / H 4.900 mm, sensor system, dedusting hood; steel sheet silo, capacity 30 m³, Ø 3.200 / H 3.950 mm; 3 pneumatic bulk goods conveyors, SOLIDS; 6 screw conveyors, Ø 200 mm, different length; 20 belt conveyors, FREI FÖRDERTECHNIK (CH), zincked, jaw width 600 mm, length 5.000 – 30.000 mm; dedusting hood, GEA, volume flow 13.760 m³/h, man. 2011; central compressed air supply system, KAESER, with 2 screw compressors, BSD 72, each with 37 kW, compressed air refrigerant type dryer, TF203, separator, tank, plant control, man. 2011; gantry crane, DEMAG, capacity 10.000 kg, spread 22.000 mm, remote control; diesel forklift, MITSUBISHI, FD30K, Q 3 t / HH 7 m, man. 2000; workshop equipment, office equipment, office technology, a.m.o
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Osvežitev v 15s
Pnevmatski transportni sistem za izdelke
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Produktionshalle
29. 06. 2017, 08:40
2 ponudb
Pečica s tekočim trakom (308) MUT BDO 125/150
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Produktionshalle
29. 06. 2017, 08:52
1 ponudb
Pečica s tekočim trakom (309) MUT BDO 125/150
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Produktionshalle
29. 06. 2017, 08:53
1 ponudb
Odvodni transporter za peči (308) Frei Fördertechnik
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Produktionshalle
29. 06. 2017, 08:53
1 ponudb
Odvodni transporter za peči (309) Frei Fördertechnik
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Produktionshalle
29. 06. 2017, 08:54
1 ponudb
Trakovni transporter (element 420AF001) Frei Fördertechnik TB0600
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Produktionshalle (Außenbereich)
29. 06. 2017, 08:59
1 ponudb
Tračni transporter (artikel 421AF001) Frei Fördertechnik FB0600
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Produktionshalle (Außenbereich)
29. 06. 2017, 09:01
1 ponudb
Transportni trak Chevron (postavka 424) Frei Fördertechnik FB600
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Schüttguthalle
29. 06. 2017, 09:36
1 ponudb
Tračni transporter (450) Frei Fördertechnik
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Schüttguthalle
29. 06. 2017, 09:46
1 ponudb
14 omarice v garderobi Garant
41542 Dormagen, Edisonstr. 2a/ Bürogebäude/ 1. OG/ Umkleideraum Herren
29. 06. 2017, 10:14
4 ponudb
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