construction machinery, construction equipment, excavators, formwork, props, Peri, Doka, vehicles, building materials

  • Preostali Prodaji
  • #14673

Deli z

Ta dražba je zaključena.


Termin dražbe

4th Quarter 2018


  • Calzavara AG
    Bruggwaldstr. 40
    9800 St. Gallen
    9300 Wittenbach

Izvleček kataloga

Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.

Please bear in mind the 2 different locations:
9300 Wittenbach, Hofen (lots X14673-1 to -223, X14673-318)
9008 Sankt Gallen, Bruggwaldstr. 40 (lots X14673-224 to -319)

Attention: please note, collection on Friday, October 19, 2018. will not be possible
Further dates:
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -Friday, October 26, 2018
from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

For Swiss customers:
For your orientation it is possible to display the amounts in CHF on our homepage. The amount is calculated on the today’s (09/10/2018) exchange rate 1,00 € : 1,14 SFr You will receive your invoice in €

In case of bid acceptance the items can be sold immediately.

The following items will be put up for sale:
mini digger, IHI 1.6 MB, man. 2001, formwork beams, DOKA; ceiling and slope columns, PERI; settling containers 5/7/9 m³; aluminum mobile scaffolding, concrete buckets, circular saws, vibration-cylinders, stone saws, construction site compressor, MANNESMANN-DEMAG SC30D; sev. electric hand tools; sev. hand tools; var. building materials; a.m.o.

Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.

Osvežitev v 15s

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