ceramic silkscreen transfer printing and technical screen printing machines

  • Online Preostali Prodaji
  • #14721

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Ta dražba je zaključena.


Termin dražbe

3rd Quarter 2019


  • PRINTEC GmbH Print for technical application
    Einsteinstraße 10
    95643 Tirschenreuth (Germany)

Izvleček kataloga

Wednesday, 26 Juni 2019 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For alternative dates please schedule your visit with Mr. Sattler, Email: sattler@netbid.com

This auction has been expanded by additional positions, u.a. CtS-Direktbelichtungsanlage Signtronic / Grünig (vgl. Auctionsnr. X14722-3 to -250 at the end of the listing) from location 91126 Schwabach!!

Monday, 08. July 2019 to Wednesday, 10 July 2019, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Special conditions:
No cash accepted at site!!

Online bidding is possible immediately

The following items are put up for auction:
6 Cylinder screen printing machines, SPS-REHMUS, 1x Vitessa SL1+ m. UV-Dryers TC-M2, 2007, plus 5x Vitessa Classic G1+ w. Wicket Drier, 1998/1999; Coating machine, strong> HARLACHER, H41-3, 1998; Washing unit, OMNITEC, Omni-Aquatec; On-Line- Exposure Devices, PURUP-ESKOFOT, Imagemaker B1CTF; Screen washing and reclaiming units, ESC, Perfecta´s Robot, ca. 2002, Stacking guillotine cutter, WOHLENBERG, 92, 2007; 2 Container for hazardous substances, PROTECTO, 2017, Compressed air a. ventilation systems a.m.o.

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