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3. četrtletje 2023
- FOBOS INVEST Sp. z o.o. w likwidacji
ul. Zeromskiego 6
82-400 Sztum (Poland)
Izvleček kataloga
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following items are put up for auction:
Sachet filling line for coffee, ARANOW, an1000-P-8, man. 2017; air conditioning, SAMSUNG, AM100MXVDGH, man. 2017; machine for packing coffee and tea into sachets, OPEM, CL 300, man. 2011; pallet wrapping machine, SIAT, WS2-EP, man. 2004; pallet racks, METALSISTEM; electric lift truck, STILL WAGNER, EGV-14, man. 2003; screw compressor, ATLAS COPCO, GA30VSD+, man. 2017; 3 pods packing machines, OPEM, MONOPACK, FC 150, APS; 3 industrial vacuum cleaners, NILFISK, 3507WR, R305; 2 packing machines, POLPAK, A3000c4, D-1000; multi-head weigher, ISHIDA, CCW-RZ-214W-S/30-PB, man. 1994; welding machine and shrink tunnel, PACKMANN, 60SSS30; tippler, KING BOX; forklift truck, STILL, R70-18G, man. 2005; dust collector, BGU MASCHINEN, RLG1000; conveyor belts; a.m.o.
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following items are put up for auction:
Sachet filling line for coffee, ARANOW, an1000-P-8, man. 2017; air conditioning, SAMSUNG, AM100MXVDGH, man. 2017; machine for packing coffee and tea into sachets, OPEM, CL 300, man. 2011; pallet wrapping machine, SIAT, WS2-EP, man. 2004; pallet racks, METALSISTEM; electric lift truck, STILL WAGNER, EGV-14, man. 2003; screw compressor, ATLAS COPCO, GA30VSD+, man. 2017; 3 pods packing machines, OPEM, MONOPACK, FC 150, APS; 3 industrial vacuum cleaners, NILFISK, 3507WR, R305; 2 packing machines, POLPAK, A3000c4, D-1000; multi-head weigher, ISHIDA, CCW-RZ-214W-S/30-PB, man. 1994; welding machine and shrink tunnel, PACKMANN, 60SSS30; tippler, KING BOX; forklift truck, STILL, R70-18G, man. 2005; dust collector, BGU MASCHINEN, RLG1000; conveyor belts; a.m.o.
Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.
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