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Termin dražbe
4. četrtletje 2023
- Otto Schubert & Sohn GmbH
Sulzbachstr. 2
66111 Saarbrücken (Germany)
Izvleček kataloga
Monday, 11 December 2023 - Wednesday, 13 December 2023 every day from 09.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Online bidding is possible immediately.
Approximately 55 items are put up for trading. These include:
Continuous temperature control machine, SELMI, Plus EX, man. 2022; fully automatic coffee machine, WMF 9000 S+, man. 2021; fully automatic coffee machine, WMF 9000 F, man. 2021; dining display case, man. 2020; kitchen equipment, stainless steel; Hood-type dishwasher,HOBART, AMXXS-10B, man. 2021; Ice machine, CARPIGIANI, Labotronic 40/60 DGT, man. 1997; cream cooker, CARPIGIANI, Pastochef 32, man. 1997; oven, MIWE, Roll-In RI/FO 60/60, man. 2000; stopping machine, REGO, SM3; dough rolling machine, FRITSCH, Rollfix 3; prover, MIWE, DS 3, man. 2000; computer-controlled and manual dough rolling and long-forming machine, RONDO, combination SKO6113; shop fittingsf.e. shop counter from WOHLMUT; further, extensive machinery, shop equipment, cash register systems, storage equipment, furniture, counter systems, cooling technology, kitchen equipment a.m.o.
Monday, 11 December 2023 - Wednesday, 13 December 2023 every day from 09.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Online bidding is possible immediately.
Approximately 55 items are put up for trading. These include:
Continuous temperature control machine, SELMI, Plus EX, man. 2022; fully automatic coffee machine, WMF 9000 S+, man. 2021; fully automatic coffee machine, WMF 9000 F, man. 2021; dining display case, man. 2020; kitchen equipment, stainless steel; Hood-type dishwasher,HOBART, AMXXS-10B, man. 2021; Ice machine, CARPIGIANI, Labotronic 40/60 DGT, man. 1997; cream cooker, CARPIGIANI, Pastochef 32, man. 1997; oven, MIWE, Roll-In RI/FO 60/60, man. 2000; stopping machine, REGO, SM3; dough rolling machine, FRITSCH, Rollfix 3; prover, MIWE, DS 3, man. 2000; computer-controlled and manual dough rolling and long-forming machine, RONDO, combination SKO6113; shop fittingsf.e. shop counter from WOHLMUT; further, extensive machinery, shop equipment, cash register systems, storage equipment, furniture, counter systems, cooling technology, kitchen equipment a.m.o.
Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.
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