Auction Date
First quarter 2025
Mon, 10.03.2025 - Fri, 14.03.2025
Fri, 14.03.2025
09:00 - 14:00
On behalf of the insolvency administrator, we are selling the complete hospital equipment of Sternbach-Klinik Schleiz GmbH online for the highest bid.
- Sternbach-Klinik Schleiz GmbH
Berthold-Schmidt-Straße 7-9
07907 Schleiz
Auction Terms
Bids can be submitted online from 06.02.2025.
Contact Person
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Bedpan sink Meiko
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ EG/ C0005
03/06/2025, 09:22 AM
150 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Bedpan sink unit meiko
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ EG/ ZNA/ Raum A0017
03/06/2025, 09:47 AM
420 €
3 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Interior design
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ EG/ Zugang MVZ/ Kardiologie/ Konferenzraum 1
03/06/2025, 10:18 AM
300 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Sonography device Fujifilm SonoSite Sonosite PX
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ 2. OG/ Intensivstation/ Arztzimmer 2.051
03/06/2025, 12:31 PM
4.800 €
17 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Work line
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ 1. OG/ Raum A1.038B
03/06/2025, 12:38 PM
200 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Office equipment
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ 3. OG/ Büro technische Leitung
03/06/2025, 12:42 PM
80 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Operating light Berchtold Chromophare 530 Plus
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ 2.. OG/ OP/ OP 1
03/06/2025, 01:42 PM
50 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Operating light Berchtold Chromophare 530 Plus
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ 2.. OG/ OP/ OP 1
03/06/2025, 01:43 PM
50 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Operating table Trumpf Jupiter, Shuttle 2
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ 2.. OG/ OP/ Einleitung 1
03/06/2025, 01:47 PM
100 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Long-term ventilator Getinge Servo-U
07907 Schleiz, Berthold-Schmidt-Str. 7-9/ medizinisch technische Geräte
03/06/2025, 02:20 PM
4.500 €
1 Bids (Subject to Reservation)
Your individual consultation
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